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Bloody Stalker

A member registered Jul 26, 2019

Recent community posts

Cool I watched Markiplier playing it.

(1 edit)

I recommend an option to lower mouse sensitivity, it's really hard to focus on things with a mouse sensivity that high, it kinda looks like I'm delirating. Other than that, the game is amazing! 3/5 stars.

Edit: I couldn't play this game, the graphics are amazing and I really want to, but without a low mouse sensitivity and a slower frame per second it's almost impossible for me.

You're welcome X3

Yeaaah I love dangerous games lol.

This game is so damn good! Even I got scared of this one, I love the graphics, the details, and definitely the creepy noises here and there. Great job, can't wait until it's complete!

LMFAO I love this game. I'm a fan since I watched Markiplier playing it X3

I watched Markiplier playing it and came to say it's very scary and terrifying! Great job :D

I watched Markiplier playing it and came to say I love your game :)

Keep it up.